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Summertime Skin Irritants

It is hard to believe that the first day of summer is not until tomorrow, June 20th.  It has felt like summer already here in Arkansas with temperatures being in the high 90’s.  Along with the hot humid days, we are already experiencing the summer pests….chiggers, mosquitos, and poison ivy.

Last year, I had several requests for jewelweed soap and salve.  Until then, I had not heard of jewelweed, so I started researching.   After doing so, I purchased some jewelweed and started experimenting.  My first test was against poison ivy.  Whitney and I cleaned out the back of her property, with no skin protectant, which was covered in poison ivy and sumac.   We are both highly allergic.  Just last year Whitney had to go the doctor due to getting such a bad rash.  After we worked for hours pulling down vines and cutting brush, we immediately took baths with the jewelweed soap I had made.  NEITHER of us broke out into a rash.  I was sold!  My son in laws both got into some poison ivy at work and did not have the soap on hand so ended up getting the itchy rash.  They came to me asking if I had anything to help with it and I had them try my jewelweed salve.  They reported that it helped to stop the itch and  dried up the rash after a couple of applications on the affected areas.

Later, I was working out in the yard and was attacked by buffalo gnats.  They tore me up and left huge welts on my body which itched like crazy.   I thought I would try the jewelweed salve after using hydrocortisone and Benadryl with no relief.  Jewelweed salve helped greatly to relieve the itch.  The itch would come back after a couple of hours, but I can honestly say it relieved my itch much better than the other products and I felt much safer using them.

Jewelweed is now one of my favorite products.  You can easily find our jewelweed soap and salve by clicking here: